Established in 1877, Clark Foods is a leading Canadian food manufacturer. Today we offer an ever-expanding variety of canned food products. Ongoing investment in equipment, in technology and in our people has kept us at the head of the industry, specializing in the development and manufacture of Baked Beans, Sauces and Gravies, Meat Spreads, Soups and Stews.
For generations our segment dominating brands have become cultural icons in our home market of Quebec (Canada) :

Pâtés & Meat Spreads – 91% market share
Canned Baked Beans – 85% market share
Meatballs and Stews – 99% market share

We export branded products to the United States, we co-manufacture for large multi-national food companies across North America and we produce private-label for Canada’s largest and most discerning food retailers.
We dedicate ourselves to supporting the achievement of our client’s unique commercial objectives and providing them with industry-leading customer service levels.

And we have the best people. They’re passionate about what they do. They’re highly skilled. They’re experienced . . . with an average seniority of 25 years!